Successful Fundraiser!

We are thrilled to share the results of a very successful Mamarazzi fundraiser event! We partnered up with the Help Patrick Walk organization in November to host a family portrait fundraiser day. We were overwhelmed with the response we got! We filled up the entire day, and captured a ton of great portraits for all of these amazing families. It was so great to meet all of these generous people - friends of Patrick's family, Patrick's neighbors, those who follow Patrick's story in the Scripps Newsletter, others who just liked his story and wanted to help, and Patrick himself!

Here are just a few photos to show a brief summary of the day. All of these families also got holiday cards as part of their session purchase. It was a great way for all of them to help out an amazing young boy, as well as knock out a holiday task!

We hope you enjoy these photos as much as we enjoyed taking them!

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