Another one off to college!

This handsome boy is number 3 of 4 boys in his family, and he's now the third to head to SDSU.  He was such a great sport with all of these photos, outfit changes, odd photographer requests, he just went with it with a smile.

Congrats, Dylan, and thanks for letting Mamarazzi capture this big milestone!


Siblings in Balboa Park

We love Balboa Park! There is just something about it. Although its usually bustling with people and their families, pets, and the sights and sounds of everything that goes along with the park, there is always beauty and peace to be found.

We met these two cute kids at the Organ Pavilion where their parents told us to take them and do our thing. And that's exactly what we did! What a delightful, fun session this was. The more time we spent with them, the more relaxed and fun they got.  We love the end result.

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